Post by Irrat8edSince now it's all fucked up.
Well, I format mine with the 2004 Holiday demo disk Sony sent me.
Viewtiful Joe 2 fucks up the card then the PS2 formats it.
Thanks Sony, you fuckheads!
You can also try a Sony remote control setup disk.
I'm not sure though.
There is also some software online that can format it too.
I think it is called MCkiller.
But I think you need Swapmagic or something to make it boot.
And I think Action Replay can format the memory card too but it usually
does a knock job of it.
Somehow you can get the PS2 to format it for you, but I don't exactly
know how this works. The only way I can force it to do this is with the
2004 Holiday demo disk I spoke of earlier.